

Hola món!

7 jul. 2011

La fascinació pels llibres i pel paper ens ha portat a aquest projecte d’autoaprenentatge en el fascinant món de l’enquadernació i l’autoedició. Comencem fent petits llibres en blanc per anar aprenent diferents tècniques i a poc a poc anirem realitzant algunes de les nostres nombroses idees de petites publicacions.


We´ve received a calling, through the smoke and shadows that twist up through the soil, from opposite ends of the Earth and received that message in the form of a tiny spark, a voice that pricks our skin and makes us shiver.  The charge, the task, the burden, the duty is to render unto the earthly masses of humanity a tool;   this tool a device of communication, of sharing, of caring, is something anyone can use to share themselves with the world at large and spread their voice to the ends of everything:  of course we´re talking about the book…

Whenever we can muster ourselves the will from within, we´ll endeavour to make  a variety of books, by hand, using traditional techniques, so that we can one day reach the point of quality that a master book binder/artist might achieve.  Of course, it all is a vehicle for our own creations and those of others and to add just a little bit more of something with a personal touch to this world.

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